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Avoidance System

  • Windows based PC software that is simple to use and based on the user screens as our popular MotorMonitor and StartleMonitor products
  • Runs from any style computer via the serial port, even laptops
  • Easily converts to rat or mouse studies within minutes
  • Each Station is run independently with separate start buttons.
  • Performs both Active and Passive studies
  • No card to install, just a simple serial port connection
  • Run up to 8 stations for higher throughput

AvoidanceMonitor™ Host Software

Run this advanced control software on our dedicated AM1000 Avoidance Station.  Control the time of trials, number of trials, length of shock and choose from a variety of condition stimuli from a single screen.  As with all Kinder Scientific software, the data is easy to get at with a single reduction screen to guide you through the few steps needed.


Impressive Paradigm List and Features
· Active Avoidance
· Single Trial Passive Avoidance
· Multi-trial Passive Avoidance
· Trials to Criterion
· Windows 7 Pro or Windows 10 Pro based PC software that is simple to use and based on the user screens from our popular MotorMonitor and StartleMonitor products
· Easily converts to rat or mouse studies within minutes
· Each Station is run independently with separate start buttons.
· No card to install, just a simple serial port connection
· Run up to 8 stations for higher throughput

    Key Features:

    Simple Single Input Screen
    This simple screen is all you will need to use to fully operate the system. Simply make the appropriate choices for Active or Passive type models, establish the desired settings and you’re ready to run animals!

    Simple Runtime Screen
    This screen has also been designed with simplicity in mind. It provides a complete listing of all animal activity so that you can monitor the progress of each test session.

    Programmable Wall Coloring for Improved Behavior Performance!
    Single Trial Passive Avoidance assays have long had the problem of First Trial Crossing Failure. The failure of the animal to cross to the dark side on its first exposure to the enclosure greatly puts into question the use of that animal in the data. By using programmable wall colors and other Kinder Scientific unique enclosure designs, you are able to reduce the impact of this common problem.

    Optional Grid Floors and Auto-Gate available for both Rats and Mice.
    Readily converting between rat and mouse setups provides savings in cost and lab time. The optional automated gate also works with both rats and mice.

    Grid Test
    This innovation finally provides a solution to truncated shock. When animals receive shock, they will inevitably discharge much fluid and excrement. When this occurs there is frequently a resulting coating (“smoo”) that develops between shock grids. This coating easily truncates some of the shock away from the animal, which of course confounds the data. To solve this problem, we built a unique testing circuit that helps you test for the condition and resolve it prior to running studies.

    Unique Subject Position Indicators
    Designed into our system are 16 position indicator LEDs. This feature will make monitoring subjects effortless. The LEDs are bright and easily readable from a distance.

    Coming soon