On May 17, 2017, the Director of NIH, Dr. Francis S. Collins and five Directors of NIH Institutes gave testimony to the House Labor, Health and Human Services’ Subcommittee. After opening statements by the Committee Chair, the Ranking Member and a Committee Member praising the NIH and the work it is doing, Dr. Francis gave examples of the research the NIH is doing. Later, he and the other Directors answered Committee Members’ questions. Below is a video of the hearing (for reasons known only to the House videographer, the hearing actually begins at minute 7:21 of the video!). Dir. Collin’s testimony begins at minute 25:30 and extends through minute 36:45. A transcript of Dir. Collins’ testimony can be found here: https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/testimony-transformative-power-biomedical-research.
Here is a link to a summary, provided by the Clinical Research Forum, of Dr. Francis’ testimony and highlights of comments by the Committee Members and questions and answers by the Committee Members and the Directors: http://www.clinicalresearchforum.org/news/346666/House-LHHS-Subcommittee-Hearing-Transformative-Power-of-Biomedical-Research.htm
Jocelyn Kaiser wrote an excellent article in the online Science/AAAS magazine titled Lawmakers decry Trump plan to slash NIH 2018 budget where she comments on this hearing: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/05/lawmakers-decry-trump-plan-slash-nih-2018-budget